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logo piccolisimo Heaters
armored heating resistances for fluids
armored finned heaters
armored heating resistances Mod. RT
cartridge heaters
band armored heaters
heaters for galvanic bath
special heaters
anticondensation heaters
logo piccolisimo Thermostat
bimetallic thermostats
capillary thermostats
thermometers Mod. TC-TG
electronic thermoregulators
cartridge heaters


HIGT power
Ø 6,5 mm o ¼" L=da 25mm a 160mm W da 75 a 500
Ø 8 L=da 40mm a 160mm W da 125 a 600
Ø 10 o 3/8" L=da 25mm a 200mm W da 75 a 1000
Ø 12,5 o ½" L=da 40mm a 300mm W da 125 a 1000
Ø 16 o 5/8" L=da 40mm a 400mm W da 160 a 2500
Ø 20 o 3/4" L=da 60mm a 500mm W da 200 a 5000

LOW power
Ø da 10 mm o 80mm L=da 40mm a 2000mm up to 4W/cm²


Two principal production lines to satisfy every needs in several applicaton fields (moulds for plastics, injectors, rubber processing machines,rotating cylinders,machines for food industry, scientific equipment,refrigeration field, engraving moulds metal,leather, plastic, etc..)

HIGT temperature line with specific power in relation with lengt and diameters from 5 up to 40 W/cmq

LOW temperature line with specific power lower than 4 W/cmq.

Cartridge heatres can be supplied in different shape execution, with threaded screws or special electric cables or hard terminals or with thermocouple.

Strip heaters

In a rectangular profile (Dim.40x10 mm) a NiCr resistance in a magnesium oxid support the Strip heaters can buit in a different range of power and lenght with threaded terminals or cables.